Spring 2020
Winnipeg Transit Routes (Spring 2020)
BLUE (, Both Ways)

General Map Controls:

Map Day of Week:

Map Bus Direction:

Map Time:
Cur. Map Time: Loading...

Buses in Service: Loading...

Weekday Saturday Sunday
04:50-26:02 (21:12) 05:19-26:04 (20:45) 05:50-24:42 (18:52)

Weekday to St. Norbert/U. of ManitobaWeekday to Downtown
Saturday to St. Norbert/U. of ManitobaSaturday to Downtown
Sunday to St. Norbert/U. of ManitobaSunday to Downtown

Runs (Rush-Hr Run):
Weekday Saturday Sunday
59-3 (06:33-08:58) 100-1 (05:17-26:04) 100-1 (05:42-24:32)
60-16 (15:02-18:20) 100-2 (05:28-25:26) 100-2 (06:03-24:15)
100-1 (04:48-09:11) 100-3 (05:39-26:29) 100-3 (06:16-25:07)
100-2 (05:03-18:27) 100-4 (05:39-26:25) 100-4 (06:27-21:13)
100-3 (05:07-09:26) 100-5 (05:48-26:01) 100-5 (06:35-20:40)
100-4 (05:12-25:31) 100-6 (05:49-25:38) 100-6 (06:38-23:19)
100-5 (05:20-25:27) 100-7 (05:58-25:40) 100-7 (06:49-24:22)
100-6 (05:20-18:46) 100-8 (06:08-23:53) 100-8 (07:00-21:46)
100-7 (05:27-19:04) 100-9 (06:19-25:41) 100-9 (07:11-24:59)
100-8 (05:33-10:08)
100-9 (05:34-08:16)
100-10 (05:40-08:43)
100-11 (05:47-18:30)
100-12 (05:47-19:25)
100-13 (05:53-17:51)
100-14 (06:03-09:18)
100-15 (06:05-08:56)
100-16 (06:09-25:55)
100-17 (06:17-19:03)
100-18 (06:31-26:23)
100-19 (06:37-09:48)
100-20 (06:48-22:07)
100-21 (06:49-21:24)
100-22 (07:09-09:57)
100-23 (07:28-21:54)
100-24 (08:43-25:59)
100-25 (13:28-18:10)
100-26 (13:43-18:39)
100-27 (14:10-19:27)
100-28 (14:25-18:10)
100-29 (14:26-26:27)
100-30 (14:50-25:26)
100-31 (15:39-17:22)
100-32 (15:42-19:34)
100-33 (16:02-19:06)

Route Combinations:
Outbound Inbound
Balmoral Station - University of Manitoba (102) University of Manitoba - Balmoral Station (96)
Balmoral Station - St. Norbert (71) St. Norbert - Balmoral Station (68)
Fort Rouge Station - St. Norbert (4)
Fort Rouge Station - University of Manitoba (1)
Balmoral Station - University of Manitoba (54) University of Manitoba - Balmoral Station (53)
Balmoral Station - St. Norbert (54) St. Norbert - Balmoral Station (52)
Fort Rouge Station - University of Manitoba (2) St. Norbert - Fort Rouge Station (1)
Fort Rouge Station - St. Norbert (2)
Balmoral Station - University of Manitoba (46) St. Norbert - Balmoral Station (45)
Balmoral Station - St. Norbert (46) University of Manitoba - Balmoral Station (44)


Filter Lines on Map:
Outbound Inbound

10132 Southbound Vaughan at Portage
10134 Southbound Vaughan at Graham (The Bay)
10157 Eastbound Mayfair at Queen Elizabeth
10159 Southbound Queen Elizabeth at Stradbrook
10545 Westbound Portage at Colony
10611 Eastbound Graham at Fort (Wpg Square)
10612 Westbound Graham at Garry (Wpg Square)
10614 Westbound Graham at Donald (Bell MTS Place)
10615 Eastbound Graham at Smith
10616 Eastbound Graham at Hargrave
10617 Westbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10619 Westbound Graham at Vaughan (The Bay)
10624 Northbound Main at Assiniboine
10625 Northbound Main at Broadway (Union Station)
10639 Southbound Main at St. Mary
10641 Southbound Main at Broadway (Union Station)
10642 Southbound Main at Assiniboine
10831 Northbound Balmoral at Balmoral Station (BLUE)
10838 Northbound Balmoral at Ellice
11027 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Harkness Station
11028 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Harkness Station
11029 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station
11030 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Osborne Station
11031 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station
11032 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Fort Rouge Station
11033 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee Station
11034 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Jubilee Station
60025 Southbound Pembina at Cloutier
60026 Southbound Pembina at De Vos
60027 Northbound Pembina at De Vos
60028 Southbound Pembina at Bairdmore South
60029 Northbound Pembina at Dalhousie South
60030 Southbound Pembina at Newdale
60031 Northbound Pembina at Newdale
60032 Northbound Pembina at Newdale North
60033 Southbound Pembina at Newdale North
60034 Southbound Pembina at Kirkbridge
60058 Southbound Pembina at Cloutier South
60059 Northbound Pembina at Cloutier South
60065 Southbound Pembina at Greencrest
60066 Northbound Pembina at Greencrest
60067 Southbound Pembina at Bairdmore
60069 Northbound Pembina at Dalhousie North
60092 Southbound Pembina at Fairfield
60093 Northbound Pembina at Fairfield
60095 Northbound Pembina at Chancellor Matheson
60099 Southbound Pembina at Bison
60103 Northbound University at Chancellor Matheson
60105 Westbound Dafoe at Agriculture
60107 Southbound University at Dysart
60115 Southbound Pembina at Bison North
60116 Northbound Pembina at Chancellor Matheson North
60117 Southbound Pembina at Dartmouth South
60118 Southbound Pembina at Dartmouth (Victoria Hospital)
60120 Northbound Pembina at Dartmouth
60122 Eastbound Markham at Pembina
60124 Westbound Markham at Pembina
60656 Northbound Pembina at Killarney North
60675 Westbound Dafoe at U of M Station (BLUE)
60736 Southbound Pembina at Bairdmore North
60746 Southbound Pembina at Station
60805 Southbound Pembina at Ducharme
61104 Northbound Pembina at Killarney
61202 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Beaumont Station
61203 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Beaumont Station
61204 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Seel Station
61205 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Seel Station
61206 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Clarence Station
61207 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Clarence Station
61208 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Chevrier Station
61209 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Chevrier Station
61210 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Plaza Station
61211 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Plaza Station
61212 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Chancellor Station
61213 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Chancellor Station
61214 Westbound Southpark at Southpark Station
61215 Eastbound Southpark at Southpark Station
61216 Northbound Southwest Transitway at Markham Station
61217 Southbound Southwest Transitway at Markham Station
61218 Eastbound Bohemier at University Crescent - IGF Station
61253 Eastbound Dafoe at Agriculture
61254 Eastbound Dafoe at U of M Station
61255 Westbound Bohemier at University Crescent - IGF Station
62004 Northbound Pembina at De La Digue
62005 Northbound Pembina at Ducharme
62006 Northbound Pembina at Grandmont
62007 Southbound Pembina at Grandmont
62008 Eastbound De L'eglise at Pembina
62009 Westbound Lemay at Pembina